Wednesday, February 24, 2021

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 3 Proven and Best Traffic Sources for Affiliate Marketing...

While organic traffic is invaluable, it’s not the only means of attracting visitors to your site. Relying solely on new people to discover your site can be a lengthy process. You may also be limiting your potential audience, as many won't ever be aware your site exists.

Another method of increasing the flow of potential customers is by using paid website traffic sources. This is a way to market your affiliate site and draw in new visitors who may not have otherwise found your site. It enables you to spend a little bit of money to get a quick return, in the form of increased visibility and a greater number of leads.

In this post, we’ll talk about why paid traffic could help your site, and introduce three of the best traffic sources for affiliate marketing. We’ll talk about the pros and cons of each, before discussing how to implement them. Let’s get started!

How Paid Website Traffic Sources Can Benefit Your Affiliate Website

Paid traffic is a term that refers to traffic you get through direct marketing. We should make it clear that this is not the same as fake traffic, which is generated by software or dummy users. Rather, it's a way to bring real visitors to your site by advertising on social media, using banners, or leveraging pay-per-click (PPC) ads.

Using paid traffic helps you get more visitors to your affiliate site. In turn, this increases your number of potential conversions, which can be particularly useful if your site is new and in need of quick income.

It also enables you to target an audience that matches your niche. Smaller sites can struggle to find their intended audience, which is something paid traffic can help you with.

While paid traffic comes with a price tag, it can be worth the cost to get a head-start on attracting customers and building brand awareness.

Of course, you'll need to watch out for scammers, who don't actually provide genuine traffic, but use tricks to increase your visitor numbers. For this reason, you should stick to trusted sources and not take chances, even if they offer tempting deals. We recommend checking out Google's own advice on avoiding these scammers.

3 Paid Website Traffic Sources to Consider for Your Affiliate Website

Now, let's take a look at three of the ways you can use paid sources to drive traffic to your affiliate site.

1. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

PPC is a type of advertisement where your site is directly marketed on external sites. However, unlike most other types of ads, when you use PPC you only pay when somebody actually clicks through to your site.

These ads most commonly appear in search results, where they direct users to relevant content based on search terms they've used. This type of PPC advertising can help you increase traffic from users who are searching for popular keywords in your niche:

2. Link and Banner Advertisements

Links and banners are the most basic types of advertisements online. Plain-text links and image-based banners can lead interested parties back to your site. The great thing about this type of ad is that it can be used almost anywhere: on websites, on social media, or even in emails.

The visual nature of banners make them particularly effective at catching the reader's attention:

Banners also give you a moment to showcase your brand in the best light. In fact, you can even create links and banners yourself, using the Affiliate Royale plugin.

The main issue with using banners is that they're so common, many users have almost developed banner blindness. For this reason, you'll want to consider your banner placements carefully. Also, for best results you should make sure the benefit to the user is clear, and use a powerful call-to-action (CTA).

3. Social Media Advertising

As social media usage grows, so does the advertising potential of these sites. Research shows that most social media ad campaigns have a positive impact on brand awareness and consumer motivation. It's no wonder that the total spent on social media advertising has doubled over the past few years.

The best thing about advertising on social media is that you can target your marketing directly to your ideal audience. By matching your affiliate niche with specific keywords, hobbies, and interests, you can directly aim your ads at those who are most likely to be interested:

The popularity of social media also means that the market is somewhat saturated. It's therefore important to create content that is engaging and human. You should also consider which platforms suit your site the best, and then consider your customer profile to choose where best to place your ads.


Organic traffic is an excellent and important way to grow your site. However, it doesn’t have to be your only strategy. By using paid website traffic sources to advertise your site, you can generate quick growth in traffic. This strategy can also help you target your advertising towards your ideal audience.

In this article, we’ve looked at three proven and best traffic sources for affiliate marketing, and discussed how you can use them to drive more visitors to your site:

  1. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising
  2. Link and banner advertisements
  3. Social media advertising

Do you have any questions about how to attract paid traffic to your affiliate site, or how Affiliate Royale can help? Let us know in the comments section below!

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